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Jun, 2023

SSC President Update

Dear families, players, coaches and administrators,

As we bring our 2022-23 season to a close, I want to thank each of you for your support of SSC throughout this year. As with any season, there were wins and losses, challenges and triumphs but no matter the circumstance, you all represented SSC with grace. You are an example to every other club in our country.

It was late 2016 or early 2017 (the dates are a little hazy right now) when our former president, Milan Keser, and our current vice-president, Gregg Swanson asked me for a meeting to “talk some futbol”. By this time, we all knew that the cancer Milan was fighting so hard had started to gain the upper hand. So when Milan asked that I succeed him as president of the club, there really was no other answer but “yes”. Sadly, we lost Milan not too long after I became president but Milan’s guiding principles of providing a venue for young boys and girls to improve their skills at the most affordable cost possible have been pillars under which I and the Board of Directors operate.

Over the last 6-7 years we have worked to improve each facet of our club. I am very happy to say that our efforts have been successful. We have put the best people in positions that have benefited our club. Tom Butler as Director of Operations and Media, Joel Dickinson as our Registrar and Director of Tournaments/ Travel, and Dave Cavasino as Finance Director have joined Norm Riker and Joe Filippetti (Director of Coaching and Treasurer, respectively) who were already in their positions to form an amazing team that works tirelessly on behalf of our families. Just recently, Patrick and Tina McLoughlin succeeded Dave Lynch as our club Secretary; each of these wonderful people have given selflessly to SSC.

Our dedicated Board of Directors have been a source of constant support, offering objective advice on any number of issues. Chris Parsons and Samantha Allard (who serve currently), and past BOD members have served SSC in the most professional manner possible.

In an effort to make our non-profit club more secure, Colin Delaney has stepped up to lead our fundraising efforts. Please thank Colin when you see him for volunteering to chair this position and help players who need financial assistance keep playing this beautiful game.

Brian Trost has been one of the most organized and dedicated volunteers in the history of SSC. His ability to handle the challenges of coordinating our fields has been, at times, miraculous.

That is why I feel the time is right for me to step aside as SSC president. After taking many months to evaluate who might be the next SSC president, I am happy to report to you that BRIAN TROST will be the next president of our club effective September 1, 2023. Brian brings amazing organizational skills and high ethics to the job. He is also a proud parent of two SSC players and a futbol enthusiast. This skill set made Brian stand out among other candidates.

Every organization must periodically transform to move forward. With the right people and programs in place I feel confident that the years ahead for SSC will be among the best in our history. Securing our financial future and our field stability will be top priorities as we move forward. I’m certain the club leadership will achieve these goals with your help.

I thank each of you for your support these past years. SSC will always be near and dear to me. To take a page from Ted Lasso’s playbook, our club can and will achieve great things if we BELIEVE.

Wishing you all the best,

Brian Cole



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Southeast Soccer Club

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